For care providers

Tired of high placement fees and marketing expenses?
Empty beds taking months to fill?
Spending too much time on paperwork?

AIDA is the perfect solution for you!
Our focus is to fill in the gap and help all long-term care provider providers connect with hospitals and other medical providers. This direct connection provides the opportunity to fill your empty beds faster and easier. Since the hospitals and medical providers cover the costs, referrals are brought to you at minimum to no charge. In addition, AIDA offers the following free care management tools, so you can run your business more efficiently.

  1. Medication Management
  2. Vitals
  3. Input/Output
  4. Invoice
  5. Supply Orders
  6. Negotiated Care Plan
  7. Continuing Education Links
  8. Caregiver Progress Notes, including direct faxing to MD, Pharmacy, etc.
  9. Assessment(s)
  10. Inspection Checklist
  11. Other Industry Resources

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